Friday, October 25, 2013

Connections Weekly Newz‏

My Fellow Connections Members, Leaders and Friends

Time has flies as we are quickly approaching the end of October. That means Light the Night is just around the corner. Sign up this Sunday if you haven't done so. Let's take part of this largest community outreach event of the year on Halloween. Feel free to dress up any costume if you wanted to but it's optional.

Speaking of Halloween, Pomona First Baptist will host a Costume Dance Party for Single Adults on October 26th(This Saturday) from 8-11pm. The cost is $5(if you bring a side dish or dessert) or $10 if you don't bring anything. The costume is optional. This is a combined social events with several churches you don't want to miss. Interested? Please contact Stanley Lenggu at 626-551-9120 for carpooling.

And finally, I won't be at the meeting this Sunday as I will be taking students to college retreat at Thousand Pines Christian Camp this weekend. However we will continue the Resolve study series at 9am in FLC rm#208. This week our very own Richard Salgado will share his story with us and what it meant to be a follower of Jesus. Come and show your support!

That's all for now. 

Serve Beyond Self!

James Tsang

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Connections Weekly Newz‏

My Fellow Connections Members, Leaders and Friends

As you may be aware, we are in the midst of our annual Transforming Churches Conference at FBC Downey. If you would like to attend this awesome conference you can still attend. Just call/textme at 626-716-8618 if you are interested. We will leave promptly from church parking lot at 8:30am.

Also, Pomona First Baptist will host a Costume Dance Party for Single Adults on October 26th(Next Saturday) from 8-11pm. The cost is $5(if you bring a side dish or dessert) or $10 if you don't bring anything. The costume is optional. This is a combined social events with other Baptist family you don't want to miss. Let me know if you are interested.

By the way, anyone want to play volleyball this Saturday from 10-12pm? I admitted that it's fun when I hit the ball over the net but I sometime it's more fun to see the reaction of people when they get hit by the ball lol.... Interested? Please Call/text Maizie at 626-716-0302 and let her know in advance if you are coming this Saturday would you?

And finally, we just begin a new study series called Resolve last Sunday at 9am in FLC rm#208. This week we will talk about what it meant to be a follower of Jesus.

That's all for now. Hope to see everyone this Sunday!

Serve Beyond Self!

James Tsang

Monday, October 14, 2013

Connections Weekly Newz‏

My Fellow Connections Members, Leaders and Friends

Last sunday we had a Ministry Board Meeting, in which lots of productive discussion took place, but the big take-away from the that we've got a lot of great programs, service projects and socials coming up as we approach the end of the calendar year.

I am excited that we will begin a new study series called Resolve this Sunday at 9am in FLC rm#208. This transforming series speak about how you can live in a way that's pleasing to God when the world around you sees you as a fool? (I Corinthians 1:18)

Also coming up on next Thursday-Friday, October 17th-18th is our annual Transforming Churches Conference! This year the conference will be held at First Baptist Church of Downey(8348 East Third Street). I know there is a work conflict but this is going to be a great conference that you don't want to miss. It's free too so register online at

And finally, Light the Night is coming up. This is the largest outreach event in our community. As hundreds of people showing up at our campus on Halloween. Sign up for volunteer this Sunday if you haven't done so.

That's all for now. Hope to see everyone of you this Sunday!

Serve Beyond Self!

James Tsang

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Connections Weekly Newz‏

My Fellow Connections Members, Leaders and Friends

I don't know about you, but I had a blast in our camping trip last weekend. I am glad to see those of you had made it out and we all had a good time. Again, my thanks goes to Richard and Maizie for organizing our camping trip.

Look ahead to this weekend, we will be having our all church work day this Saturday begin at 8-12pm. Let's come and clean up our facility. Also as some of you have requested we will play volleyball after lunch in the family life center(Gym) this Saturday. For more information please contact Maizie Tam @ 626-716-0302

Lastly,we will be having our monthly leadership board meeting this Sunday after service in room 205. Come and be a part of the family as we plan and take lead of the upcoming events and projects.

That's all for now. Please keep us in your prayer.

Serve Beyond Self!

James Tsang