Thursday, November 15, 2012

Connections Weekly Newz‏

Good Afternoon Friends at Connections!

We had a good leadership meeting at Cafe Spot last sunday . Thank you for those who came to the lunch meeting and to share your ideas with the group. Those that didn't make it to the meeting you are greatly missed. We have planned our events for the next two months. You can get more detail about these upcoming events at the bottom of this letter. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have ideas or events you think will help to grow our ministry.

Speaking of event, our very own Rafa will be having a Thanksgiving Potluck Party at her home right after church this sunday. Please contact her if you plan to attend the party so she can get a head count for luncheon this sunday. Feel free to bring a side dish if you can. Feel free to contact Rafa at 626-551-9824 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE 626-551-9824 end_of_the_skype_highlighting if you have any question. Her home address: 5743 Baldwin Ave Temple City CA 91780.

We had a good discussion time for our "40 Days in the Word" video session last sunday. This sunday we will watch Pastor Mike Howerton from Overlake Christian Church in Redmond, WA at 9am in Rm 208. Mike will be teaching on Ps 119:11. Let's go deep in our spiritual walk as we strive to make a difference in this world.

By the way, if you want to get in shape and learn to play tennis on the weekends please contact Maizie Tam at 626-716-0302 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE 626-716-0302 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or

Be sure to check our weekly calendars as our events and dates constantly developing for us.

Have a Bless Weekend!


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