Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Connections Weekly Newz‏

Good Morning Friends at Connections!

First of all, I will like to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. May God bless richly bless you and your family. Speaking of Thanksgiving, we have couple of special events happening this week. The All church Thanksgiving Dinner is on tonight at 6pm in family life center. Please bring a side dish to share if you plan to attend.
The Thanksgiving Volunteer opportunity this Thursday at Central Park, Pasadena has been cancelled due to outpouring of kindness from the community. Thank you for thinking of serving again this year. However we will be volunteering to serve dinner with Family Promise this Sunday at 6pm here at our church. We will be serving at least four homeless families and volunteers about 15-20 people this coming Sunday. So please bring a dish to share for a minimum of 5 people. The kitchen will be opened at 5pm. Feel free to use the main kitchen here at family life center to cook or you can drop off a dish if you can't stay. Please contact me at 626-716-8618 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE 626-716-8618 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or jtstar97@hotmail.com if you plan to volunteer this Sunday.
Also, our very own Rafa will be hosting an After Thanksgiving Potluck Party at her home this Saturday at 6:30pm. Please contact her if you plan to attend the party so she can get a head count for dinner this Saturday. Bring a side dish if you can. Contact Rafa at 626-551-9824 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE 626-551-9824 end_of_the_skype_highlighting if you have any question. Her home address: 5743 Baldwin Ave Temple City CA 91780.

We will continue our "40 Days in the Word" video session this Sunday. This sunday we will be watching Pastor Ray Johnston from Bayside Church in Roseville, CA at 9am in Rm 208. Ray will be teaching on Proverb 4:20-22. Let's go deep in our spiritual walk as we strive to make a difference in this world.
By the way, all of our Weekly Gatherings will be cancelled this week due to Thanksgiving holiday.
If you are interested to get in shape and learn to play tennis or attending a volleyball match please contact Maizie Tam at 626-716-0302 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE 626-716-0302 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or maizietam@yahoo.com

Be sure to check our weekly calendars as our events and dates constantly developing for us.

Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!


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